Top 7 Amazing Unbelievable Facts That You Dont Know

Top 7 Amazing Unbelievable Facts That You Don't Know

 hello friends this week i bring a top 7 unbelievable facts u probably dont know.

           OH!! Yes there is a huge number of facts in the world that we don't know ,but this list contains best top 7 facts that you must know and at the end of the post you feel that its really amazing lets check it the top 7 facts :-

1.  9 out of 10 people believe that Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb.
This isn’t true, Joseph Swan did that.


 The Universe Has Expanded 2766.4 Miles.this is  the most asked question and everyone wants to know.

3.  Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.

4. Kangaroos have excellent hearing, and like some other animals are able to move their ears in different directions without moving the rest of their head.And There are more kangaroos than humans in Australia.

5. Hearing is the fastest human sense. A person can recognize a sound in as little as 0.05 seconds.


The total combined weight of the worlds ant population is heavier than the weight of the human population.

7. The longest time between two twins being born is 87 days.

Top 7 Amazing Funny Facts 

1. It's impossible to lick your elbow

2. Butterflies taste with their feet.

3. after reading first fact of  top 7 amazing funny facts of this post Over 75% of people will try to lick their elbow.

 4. The average person laughs 10 times a day! 

5. You’re born with 300 bones, but by the time you become an adult, you only have 206.

6."Rhythm" is the longest English word without a vowel. 

7. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying

8.It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.





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